Paris-based photographer Bertrand Kulik stumbled onto this tiny spider who managed to construct its web inside a leaf with a giant hole and snapped these photos at just the right moment.
Photos by Bertrand Kulik
India's largest selling Urdu weekly, now also in English
by Nasheman
Paris-based photographer Bertrand Kulik stumbled onto this tiny spider who managed to construct its web inside a leaf with a giant hole and snapped these photos at just the right moment.
Photos by Bertrand Kulik
by Nasheman
New Delhi: The AAP Monday accused the central government of being “selective” in revealing names of foreign bank account holders, asking it to make public all those with money stashed abroad.
Addressing a press conference here, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief Arvind Kejriwal said the government was not disclosing all the names because they knew the list contained the “names of those who are close to the Bharatiya Janata Party”.
In its affidavit to the Supreme Court, the government revealed the names of three individuals – Pradip Burman, director of the Burman Group, Pankaj Chimanlal Lodya, a Rajkot-based bullion trader and Radha S Timblo, a Goa-based miner and owner of Timblo Pvt Ltd – while alleging they had funds in bank accounts abroad over which proceedings had been initiated for tax evasion.
Kejriwal said: “On Nov 9, 2012, we had disclosed the statements made by three individuals – namely Parminder Singh Kalra, Vikram Dhirani and Praveen Sawhney – before Income Tax authorities, when their premises were raided.”
He asked: “These three individuals admitted to the offence. Surprisingly, their names do not appear in the list of three people whose names have been disclosed by the finance ministry today. Why?”
He added: “Today, the BJP government has disclosed three names, one of which happens to be Pradeep Burman. This name was there in the list disclosed by us two years back and hence, it further validates our earlier disclosure.”
Arvind Kejriwal and Prashant Bhushan had addressed a press conference on 9th November 2012, in which it was disclosed that the following names feature in this list:
Mukesh Dhirubhai Ambani, Anil Dhirubhai Ambani, Motech Software Private Ltd (Reliance Group company), Reliance Industries Ltd, Sandeep Tandon, Anu Tandon, Kokila Dhirubhai Ambani, Naresh Kumar Goyal, Burmans (3 family members), Yashovardhan Birla.
by Nasheman
by RT
The US should live up to its own laws in regards to arming other countries, specifically considering its own policy on Israel, which has, according to the world-renowned academic Noam Chomsky, itself been violating both US and international law.
Chomsky made the comments at a UN session last week and pursued a deeply critical vein throughout.
“When President Obama rarely says anything about what’s happening, it’s usually, ‘If my daughters were being attacked by rockets, I would do anything to stop it.’ He’s referring not to the hundreds of Palestinian children who are being killed and slaughtered,” Chomsky stated.
While everyone has the right to self-defense, according to Chomsky, “whether it’s an individual or state…if you won’t even permit peaceful means, which is the case here, then you have no right of self-defense by violence,” he added.
On July 8, 2014, Israel launched a seven-week military campaign, dubbed Operation Protective Edge, against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, which resulted in the deaths of some 2,200 people and widespread physical destruction, with much of the slither of land wedged between Egypt and Israel resembling an earthquake zone.
At the beginning of August, the US approved emergency funding to support Israel’s Iron Dome defense system. Congress overwhelmingly approved an emergency measure to grant $225 million in additional revenue to Israel for the country’s Iron Dome missile defense system.
Chomsky cited the Leahy Law divulged by Senator Patrick Leahy. The human rights amendment prohibits the US Department of State and Department of Defense from dispatching any weapons supplies to states which are involved in human rights violations.
“There isn’t the slightest doubt that the Israeli army is involved in massive human rights violations, which means that all dispatch of US arms to Israel is in violation of US law,” Chomsky said.
He took a critical approach to the “boycott, divest, sanctions (BDS) movement,” describing it as a set of tactics rather than principles. “Tactics are not principles. They’re not actions that you undertake no matter what because you think they’re right,” he pointed out to the UN.
The international community has been deeply critical of Israel’s actions against Palestine, with several prominent academics and writers such as Israeli historian Ilan Pappe, film director Ken Loach, and children’s author and poet, Michael Rosen.
Chomsky brought one further contention to the international delegates – the tax-free status for US organizations in Israel which are engaged in human rights violations.
“Remember, a tax exemption means I pay for it,” he said.
by Nasheman
British hand Camp Bastion base in Helmand to Afghan troops, in withdrawal that went unannounced due to security fears.
by Al Jazeera
British troops have ended combat operations in Afghanistan as they and US troops handed over two huge adjacent bases to the Afghan military, 13 years after a US-led invasion to topple the Taliban.
The troops handed over to Afghan forces on Sunday at camps Bastion and Leatherneck, in the southwestern province of Helmand. The timing of their withdrawal had not been announced for security reasons.
Their departure on Sunday leaves Afghanistan and its newly installed president, Ashraf Ghani, to deal almost unaided with an emboldened Taliban after the last foreign combat troops withdraw by year-end.
Leatherneck and Bastion formed the international coalition’s regional headquarters for the southwest of Afghanistan, housing up to 40,000 military personnel and civilian contractors.
After Sunday’s withdrawal, the Afghan National Army’s 215th Corps will be headquartered at the 28sq km base, leaving almost no foreign military presence in Helmand.
The US military leaves behind about $230m of property and equipment for the Afghan military.
This includes a major airstrip at the base, plus roads and buildings.
Camp Leatherneck resembled on Sunday a dust-swept ghost town of concrete blast walls, empty barracks and razor wire.
Offices and bulletin boards, which once showed photograph tributes to dead US and British soldiers, had been stripped.
Heaviest fighting
The British experienced their heaviest fighting of the Afghan campaign in Helmand, losing hundreds of soldiers.
Their presence was boosted in recent years by US troops as the UK wound down its operations.
In all, 2,210 US and 453 British soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan since 2001, when the US-led coalition toppled the Taliban government shortly after the September 11 attacks.
“We gave them the maps to the place. We gave them the keys,” said Colonel Doug Patterson, a US marine brigade commander in charge of logistics.
General John Campbell, the head of coalition forces in Afghanistan, acknowledged Helmand “has been a very, very tough area” over the last several months.
“But we feel very confident with the Afghan security forces as they continue to grow in their capacity,” he said.
He said the smaller international force that will remain next year will still provide some intelligence and air support, two areas where Afghan forces are weak.
General Sher Mohammad Karimi, chief of staff of the Afghan army, said the Taliban “will keep us busy for a while”.
“We have to do more until we are fully successful and satisfied with the situations,” he said.
Source: AP
by Nasheman
by Chris Hedges, Truthdig
There is more truth about American journalism in the film “Kill the Messenger,” which chronicles the mainstream media’s discrediting of the work of the investigative journalist Gary Webb, than there is in the movie “All the President’s Men,” which celebrates the exploits of the reporters who uncovered the Watergate scandal.
The mass media blindly support the ideology of corporate capitalism. They laud and promote the myth of American democracy—even as we are stripped of civil liberties and money replaces the vote. They pay deference to the leaders on Wall Street and in Washington, no matter how perfidious their crimes. They slavishly venerate the military and law enforcement in the name of patriotism. They select the specialists and experts, almost always drawn from the centers of power, to interpret reality and explain policy. They usually rely on press releases, written by corporations, for their news. And they fill most of their news holes with celebrity gossip, lifestyle stories, sports and trivia. The role of the mass media is to entertain or to parrot official propaganda to the masses. The corporations, which own the press, hire journalists willing to be courtiers to the elites, and they promote them as celebrities. These journalistic courtiers, who can earn millions of dollars, are invited into the inner circles of power. They are, as John Ralston Saul writes, hedonists of power.
When Webb, writing in a 1996 series in the San Jose Mercury News, exposed the Central Intelligence Agency’s complicity in smuggling tons of cocaine for sale into the United States to fund the CIA-backed Contra rebels in Nicaragua, the press turned him into a journalistic leper. And over the generations there is a long list of journalistic lepers, from Ida B. Wells to I.F. Stone to Julian Assange.
The attacks against Webb have been renewed in publications such as The Washington Post since the release of the film earlier this month. These attacks are an act of self-justification. They are an attempt by the mass media to mask the collaboration between themselves and the power elite. The mass media, like the rest of the liberal establishment, seek to wrap themselves in the moral veneer of the fearless pursuit of truth and justice. But to maintain this myth they have to destroy the credibility of journalists such as Webb and Assange who shine a light on the sinister and murderous inner workings of empire, who care more about truth than news.
The country’s major news outlets—including my old employer The New York Times, which wrote that there was “scant proof” of Webb’s contention—functioned as guard dogs for the CIA. Soon after the 1996 exposé appeared, The Washington Post devoted nearly two full pages to attacking Webb’s assertions. The Los Angeles Times ran three separate articles that slammed Webb and his story. It was a seedy, disgusting and shameful chapter in American journalism. But it was hardly unique. Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair, in the 2004 article “How the Press and the CIA Killed Gary Webb’s Career,” detailed the dynamics of the nationwide smear campaign.
Webb’s newspaper, after printing a mea culpa about the series, cast him out. He was unable to work again as an investigative journalist and, fearful of losing his house, he committed suicide in 2004. We know, in part because of a Senate investigation led by then-Sen. John Kerry, that Webb was right. But truth was never the issue for those who opposed the journalist. Webb exposed the CIA as a bunch of gunrunning, drug-smuggling thugs. He exposed the mass media, which depend on official sources for most of their news and are therefore hostage to those sources, as craven handmaidens of power. He had crossed the line. And he paid for it.
If the CIA was funneling hundreds of millions of dollars in drugs into inner-city neighborhoods to fund an illegal war in Nicaragua, what did that say about the legitimacy of the vast covert organization? What did it tell us about the so-called war on drugs? What did it tell us about the government’s callousness and indifference to the poor, especially poor people of color at the height of the crack epidemic? What did it say about rogue military operations carried out beyond public scrutiny?
These were questions the power elites, and their courtiers in the press, were determined to silence.
The mass media are plagued by the same mediocrity, corporatism and careerism as the academy, labor unions, the arts, the Democratic Party and religious institutions. They cling to the self-serving mantra of impartiality and objectivity to justify their subservience to power. The press writes and speaks—unlike academics that chatter among themselves in arcane jargon like medieval theologians—to be heard and understood by the public. And for this reason the press is more powerful and more closely controlled by the state. It plays an essential role in the dissemination of official propaganda. But to effectively disseminate state propaganda the press must maintain the fiction of independence and integrity. It must hide its true intentions.
The mass media, as C. Wright Mills pointed out, are essential tools for conformity. They impart to readers and viewers their sense of themselves. They tell them who they are. They tell them what their aspirations should be. They promise to help them achieve these aspirations. They offer a variety of techniques, advice and schemes that promise personal and professional success. The mass media, as Wright wrote, exist primarily to help citizens feel they are successful and that they have met their aspirations even if they have not. They use language and images to manipulate and form opinions, not to foster genuine democratic debate and conversation or to open up public space for free political action and public deliberation. We are transformed into passive spectators of power by the mass media, which decide for us what is true and what is untrue, what is legitimate and what is not. Truth is not something we discover. It is decreed by the organs of mass communication.
“The divorce of truth from discourse and action—the instrumentalization of communication—has not merely increased the incidence of propaganda; it has disrupted the very notion of truth, and therefore the sense by which we take our bearings in the world is destroyed,” James W. Carey wrote in “Communication as Culture.”
Bridging the vast gap between the idealized identities—ones that in a commodity culture revolve around the acquisition of status, money, fame and power, or at least the illusion of it—and actual identities is the primary function of the mass media. And catering to these idealized identities, largely implanted by advertisers and the corporate culture, can be very profitable. We are given not what we need but what we want. The mass media allow us to escape into the enticing world of entertainment and spectacle. News is filtered into the mix, but it is not the primary concern of the mass media. No more than 15 percent of the space in any newspaper is devoted to news; the rest is devoted to a futile quest for self-actualization. The ratio is even more lopsided on the airwaves.
“This,” Mills wrote, “is probably the basic psychological formula of the mass media today. But, as a formula, it is not attuned to the development of the human being. It is a formula of a pseudo-world which the media invent and sustain.”
At the core of this pseudo-world is the myth that our national institutions, including those of government, the military and finance, are efficient and virtuous, that we can trust them and that their intentions are good. These institutions can be criticized for excesses and abuses, but they cannot be assailed as being hostile to democracy and the common good. They cannot be exposed as criminal enterprises, at least if one hopes to retain a voice in the mass media.
Those who work in the mass media, as I did for two decades, are acutely aware of the collaboration with power and the cynical manipulation of the public by the power elites. It does not mean there is never good journalism and that the subservience to corporate power within the academy always precludes good scholarship, but the internal pressures, hidden from public view, make great journalism and great scholarship very, very difficult. Such work, especially if it is sustained, is usually a career killer. Scholars like Norman Finkelstein and journalists like Webb and Assange who step outside the acceptable parameters of debate and challenge the mythic narrative of power, who question the motives and virtues of established institutions and who name the crimes of empire are always cast out.
The press will attack groups within the power elite only when one faction within the circle of power goes to war with another. When Richard Nixon, who had used illegal and clandestine methods to harass and shut down the underground press as well as persecute anti-war activists and radical black dissidents, went after the Democratic Party he became fair game for the press. His sin was not the abuse of power. He had abused power for a long time against people and groups that did not matter in the eyes of the Establishment. Nixon’s sin was to abuse power against a faction within the power elite itself.
The Watergate scandal, mythologized as evidence of a fearless and independent press, is illustrative of how circumscribed the mass media is when it comes to investigating centers of power.
“History has been kind enough to contrive for us a ‘controlled experiment’ to determine just what was at stake during the Watergate period, when the confrontational stance of the media reached its peak. The answer is clear and precise: powerful groups are capable of defending themselves, not surprisingly; and by media standards, it is a scandal when their position and rights are threatened,” Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky wrote in “Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media.” “By contrast, as long as illegalities and violations of democratic substance are confined to marginal groups or dissident victims of U.S. military attack, or result in a diffused cost imposed on the general population, media opposition is muted and absent altogether. This is why Nixon could go so far, lulled into a false sense of security precisely because the watchdog only barked when he began to threaten the privileged.”
The righteous thunder of the abolitionists and civil rights preachers, the investigative journalists who enraged Standard Oil and the owners of the Chicago stockyards, the radical theater productions, such as “The Cradle Will Rock,” that imploded the myths peddled by the ruling class and gave a voice to ordinary people, the labor unions that permitted African-Americans, immigrants and working men and women to find dignity and hope, the great public universities that offered the children of immigrants a chance for a first-class education, the New Deal Democrats who understood that a democracy is not safe if it does not give its citizens an acceptable standard of living and protect the state from being hijacked by private power, are no longer part of the American landscape. It was Webb’s misfortune to work in an era when the freedom of the press was as empty a cliché as democracy itself.
“The Cradle Will Rock,” like much of the popular work that came out of the Federal Theatre Project, addressed the concerns of the working class rather than the power elite. And it excoriated the folly of war, greed, corruption and the complicity of liberal institutions, especially the press, in protecting the power elite and ignoring the abuses of capitalism. Mister Mister in the play runs the town like a private corporation.
“I believe newspapers are great mental shapers,” Mister Mister says. “My steel industry is dependent on them really.”
“Just you call the News,” Editor Daily responds. “And we’ll print all the news. From coast to coast, and from border to border.”
Editor Daily and Mister Mister sing:
O the press, the press, the freedom of the press.
They’ll never take away the freedom of the press.
We must be free to say whatever’s on our chest—
with a hey-diddle-dee and ho-nanny-no
for whichever side will pay the best.
“I should like a series on young Larry Foreman,” Mister Mister tells Editor Daily. “Who goes around stormin’ and organizin’ unions.”
“Yes, we’ve heard of him,” Editor Daily tells Mister Mister. “In fact, good word of him. He seems quite popular with workingmen.”
“Find out who he drinks with and talks with and sleeps with. And look up his past till at last you’ve got it on him.”
“But the man is so full of fight, he’s simply dynamite, why it would take an army to tame him,” Editor Daily says.
“Then it shouldn’t be too hard to tame him,” Mister Mister says.
“O the press, the press, the freedom of the press,” the two sing. “You’ve only got to hint whatever’s fit to print; if something’s wrong with it, why then we’ll print to fit. With a he-diddly-dee and aho-nonny-no. For whichever side will pay the best.”
by Nasheman
4-year old slain Palestinian youth, Orwa Hammad who is also a U.S. citizen, was killed by the Israeli army, October 24, 2014. (Photo: Shadi Hattem)
by Allison Deger, Mondoweiss
A Palestinian teen with U.S. citizenship was killed today by the Israeli army at a demonstration in the West Bank town of Silwad, near Ramallah. Fourteen-year old Orwah Hammad was shot with a live bullet that entered his neck and exited through his head, according to Ramallah hospital staff. He died while being treated at Ramallah hospital around 6 p.m. this evening, Jerusalem time.
The killing comes eight days after Israeli soldiers killed a 13-year-old boy during a raid on a West Bank village.
Hammad’s father, Abdulwahhab Hammad, lives in Louisiana and was informed of his son’s killing via telephone. His mother, Ikhlas Hammad, is in Jordan visiting relatives, but is said to be traveling back to the West Bank this evening.
“The Israeli soldier shot directly at the child,” said mayor of Silwad Abu Salah. “His father wanted his children to live here, not in America,” he continued.
The slain youth’s remains will be held in the morgue of Ramallah hospital until Sunday, when his father is due to arrive. A funeral will be held the same day with a procession in Ramallah, and a burial in the family’s home village of Silwad.
Hammad was shot while taking part in a weekly Friday protest against Israel’s occupation of the West Bank. Witnesses said Hammad was stone throwing when he was struck.
“Orwah is the tenth Palestinian child killed by Israeli forces with live ammunition in the occupied West Bank in 2014,” said Brad Parker, attorney and international advocacy officer at Defense for Children International-Palestine. “Impunity is the norm for Israeli soldiers that commit violence against children as they consistently violate their own live-fire regulations and know that they will not be held accountable for their actions no matter what the result. There is no justice or accountability for child victims.”
Update: Here is the State Department statement from Jen Psaki today: “Death of US minor in Silwad.”
The United States expresses its deepest condolences to the family of a U.S. citizen minor who was killed by the Israeli Defense Forces during clashes in Silwad on October 24. Officials from the U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem are in contact with the family and are providing all appropriate consular assistance. We call for a speedy and transparent investigation, and will remain closely engaged with the local authorities, who have the lead on this investigation. We continue to urge all parties to help restore calm and avoid escalating tensions in the wake of the tragic recent incidents in Jerusalem and the West Bank.
by Nasheman
New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Tuesday slammed both Centre and Delhi Lieutenant Governor Najeeb Jung for delay in taking decision regarding government formation in Delhi.
“Why was there a five-month delay in breaking the Delhi deadlock?” the apex court asked, adding, “The L-G should have taken the decision at the earliest.”
Delhi has been under President’s Rule after former chief minister Arvind Kejriwal resigned on February 14 over lack of support from the Congress and the BJP on the Jan Lokpal Bill.
The rebuke came as the Centre informed the court that President Pranab Mukherjee had sanctioned inviting the BJP – as the single largest party – to form a “popular government”.
The court said, “Every time just before a hearing, the Centre will come out with some statement, but nothing happens. We have given enough time but nothing came out.”
The Centre reportedly pointed out that President’s Rule for Delhi was valid at least till February.
Meanwhile, AAP chief took it to micro-blogging site Twitter accusing BJP of playing tricks.
Kejriwal further questioned, “How will BJP form government? They don’t have nos. Why don’t they just call elections? If BJP discloses all black money holders’ names, then who will give them money to fight elections in some states and buy MLAs in others?”
The apex court is also reported to have gone ahead with hearing the merits of a petition filed by the Aam Aadmi Party seeking dissolution of the Delhi Assembly and announcement of fresh elections.
The BJP had won 31 seats in the Delhi election but three of its MLAs, including its chief ministerial candidate Harsh Vardhan, contested and won the national election in May. The party will strive to retain those seats in by-polls to be held on November 25. If it wins all three, its tally will rise to 32, including ally Akali Dal, which is closer to the majority mark in the 70-member Delhi assembly.
The AAP has 27 seats while the Congress has 8 in the 70-member Assembly.
by Nasheman
In this file photo, villagers of Sirisguda at the Special Gram Sabha to ban the entry of non-Hindu religious missionaries. Photo: The Hindu
Raipur: The Chhattisgarh Christian Forum (CCF) has alleged that 12 people from the local Christian community, were attacked by members of the right wing Bajrang Dal in Bastar district’s Madota village on Saturday. District officials have registered an FIR.
“An announcement was made through drum beats that residents of Kotwar village should assemble at 9am on Saturday to meet the sub-divisional magistrate, deputy superintendent of police and town inspector to discuss ways to douse tension between the two communities. They waited till evening, but nobody turned up. By evening, right-wing activists came in a truck and attacked Christians, accusing them of promoting religious conversion,” charged Arun Pannalal, president of CCF.
Quoting local Christians, Pannalal said, a week ago BJP MP Dinesh Kashyap had visited Bhanpuri village and me gram sabha t local Christians. The MP washed their feet and then made a public announcement that they had completed the process of “ghar wapsi” or home-coming to the Hindu fold. Since then tension has been brewing between Hindus and Christians over prayer meetings at the local church.
While CCF has accused the district authorities of being “hand in glove” with the “right-wing elements,” the Bastar district collector however, refuted the CCF’s allegations saying that there was a clash between two groups in the village and added that a FIR has been registered against the accused persons.
The present controversy is rooted in an attempt by Hindutva organisations to convert Christian tribals to the Hindu fold. A campaign launched in July this year by Vishwa Hindu Parishad had led to a ban on the entry of and alleged “propaganda” by non-Hindu missionaries, especially Christians, in more than 50 villages of Chhattisgarh’s Bastar region.
With input from Agencies
by Nasheman
by Dr. S. Mazhar Nawaz
Muharram, the first in the Islamic calendar, is an especially auspicious month on many levels. The 10th day of Muharram, known as ‘Yawm Al-Ashura’ is the most significant day of this month. “Ashura” is an Arabic word that literally means ‘Tenth’. In the Arabic Society, Ashura was esteemed even before Islam; since the time of Prophet Abraham.
The Day of Ashura, which is the common date of various events concerning the history, is significant not only for Muslims, but also for Judaism & Christianity. It is significant for the Jews, as Prophet Moses was saved from the tyranny of Pharaoh on the Day of Ashura.
On the 10th day of Muharram (Yawn Al-Ashura) Almighty Allah created heaven & earth. Prophet Adam (Alayhi Asalam) was born and his repentance was accepted on this day. The ship of Prophet Noah (Alayhi Asalam) came to rest on Mount Al-Judi. Prophet Ayyub (Alayhi Asallam) was delivered from distress. Prophet Yunus (Alayhi Asallam) was cast onto the shore after being swallowed by a fish for 40 days. Prophet Yusuf (Alayhi Asallam) was released from prison after being slandered by Zuleikha. Prophet Sulaiman (Alayhi Asallam) was given his vast empire, Prophet Abraham (Alayhi Asallam) was saved from the Fire.
Prophet Muhammed’s (pbuh) younger grandson Hazrat Imam Hussain(RA) was tragically martyred on 10th Muharram. As a result, Muslims all over the world commemorate Hazrat Imam Hussain’s martyrdom and give prominence to this day. It must be remembered that ‘Ashura’ was given significance by the Prophet himself – hence it is pointless to claim that this day is significant due to Hazrat Imam Hussain’s martyrdom which happened three decades after the Prophet Muhammed’s (pbuh) death.
10th of Muharram, ‘Ashura’ this is the day when Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA), the Holy Prophet’s grandson, took on the forces of falsehood for the glory of Islam. On this very day, the battle was fought between the forces of truth and falsehood, which would continue to impart not only to Muslims but also to the entire mankind a lesson of sustained struggle against oppression and tyranny till the Day of Judgment.
The incident of Karbala proved to the world that it is the truth which holds sway in fight against the evil forces. Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) decided to live life as a lasting symbol of truthfulness to make the followers of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) realize that they should have the basic values of good character, including tolerance, endurance, sacrifice, equality, justice and fairness.
The Karbala incident teaches us that right can never be subdued by might. Might vanishes but the right survives. Imam Hussain taught by example on how to stand up and decry whenever a despot rules over us with force and barbarity, even if our power is inadequate. Whatever it takes, the movement must live on. And we should remember that Hazrat Imam Hussain is not just Imam of Muslims, he is the Imam of entire humanity.
Imam Hussain is a role model that all human beings can aspire to, his spirit lives on forever in the human conscience. The way he lived and the way he died show us the value he placed on morality and honour. He taught us the true purpose of our existence, the perfection of our morals and ethics. In his own words he sums it up beautifully: “Death with dignity is better than a life of humiliation”
From centuries Muslims around the world commemorate the tragedy of Karbala. They attend mourning meetings and processions in which the story of Karbala is retold. All these commemorative meetings not only serve to convey the events and message of Karbala but also provide opportunities to learn about Islam in general. But the honest way to pay tribute to Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA), the leader of martyrs is to follow his values wholeheartedly. The sacrifice of Hussein and his colleagues is not only more relevant today than any other time in the history. This immortal story also reflects the Islamic principles in true form. Remembrance of goodness and sacrifice is the true meaning of Muharram. Let us emulate the spirit of Muharram which embodies humanism which is central to Islam.
The famous Indian poet Kunwar Mahendra Singh Bedi, admirer of Hazrat Hussein says:
Zinda Islam ko kiya toone, hakk-o-batil dikha diya toone.
Ji ke marna to sabko aata hai, mar ke jeena sikha diya tune.
(Hazrat Imam Hussain, You made the Islam alive, you shown, justice & injustice. Every body knows how to die after live. But you taught how to live after death)
by Nasheman
Bangalore: Are we turning into a society of degenerates, or already are? In another spine-chilling incident, a 17-year-old school girl was allegedly gang raped in the city’s R K Math Layout, police said on Monday.
The incident occurred on Saturday the 25th and five people have been arrested according to the police.
Two of the accused have been identified as Madhu and Basavaraju, who were arrested by the K G Halli police.
“We have registered a case of gang rape. We Have arrested Madhu, Basavaraju and three others” said an officer.
The girl will undergo medical examination to confirm the case of rape.