Bengaluru: The Karnataka state transport department has announced that all vehicles registered prior to April 1, 2019, must be equipped with high-security registration plates (HSRP) by November 17, 2023.
A recent notification issued on August 17, 2023, outlines that vehicle owners failing to comply with this deadline will face penalties ranging from Rs 500 to Rs 1,000.
HSRPs, distinguished by their permanent identification numbers and chromium-based holograms, come with tamper-proof features, ensuring standardized and secure registration plates, stated a transport department official.
Approximately 1.75 crore to 2 crore vehicles were registered in Karnataka before April 1, 2019, as per the transport department’s estimates. “Starting April 1, 2019, the installation of HSRPs became mandatory for all newly registered vehicles,” shared a senior official.
The authorized HSRP manufacturers, in collaboration with vehicle manufacturers, are responsible for supplying these plates to dealers. The same system will apply to older vehicles, with orders for HSRP installation being facilitated through authorized dealers of vehicle manufacturers.
Regarding the cost of HSRPs, the official mentioned, “Authorized suppliers are chosen by vehicle manufacturers through competitive pricing. Prices may range from Rs 400 to Rs 500 for four-wheelers and between Rs 250 and Rs 300 for two-wheelers. A total of 12 states have already implemented this rule in accordance with central government guidelines.”
The Significance of HSRP Implementation
The transport department’s notification emphasizes that HSRPs prevent tampering and counterfeiting of plates, contributing to the reduction of vehicle-related crimes and facilitating easy identification of vehicles on the road.
Upon installing HSRPs, authorized dealers or manufacturers are required to update laser coding on the Vahan portal. However, vehicles lacking registration certificates, fitness certificates (for transport vehicles), or overdue road tax will not be eligible for HSRPs.