Delhi Police on Thursday arrested six persons, including a domestic help, for assaulting, robbing and holding captive the wife and daughter of a former Chief Justice of the Delhi High Court here.
“The accused have been identified as Dinesh, Dheerender, Upender Rai, Ram Swaroop, Deepak and domestic help Sandeep. They were arrested from different areas of their native state Jharkhand,” said Deputy Commissioner of Police Chinmoy Biswal.
The incident occurred on Monday night when their recently hired domestic help Sandeep called the other accused to the former Chief Justice Dalip Kapoor’s residence in New Friends Colony.
The accused allegedly assaulted and held captive wife and daughter of the former Chief Justice of Delhi High Court and later escaped with jewellery and cash, Biswal said.
“Reeba Kapoor,78, wife of former Chief Justice of Delhi High Court Dalip Kapoor, in her statement to the police had said Sandeep, along with accomplices, assaulted her and her daughter Sheeba, 45. They then tied them with ropes and escaped with jewellery and cash worth lakhs of rupees,” the officer added.