CHENNAI: For the first time since July 11, Tamil Nadu reported less than 4,000 new Covid-19 cases, with 3,914 cases and 56 deaths being recorded on Sunday, taking the tally to 6,87,400 and toll to 10,642.
On July 11, Tamil Nadu reported 3,965 cases from testing 36,629 people with a test positivity rate of 10.8 percent.
Subsequently, cases started to soar in the State as over 5,000 and 6,000 cases came to be reported.
On Sunday, the 3,914 cases came from testing 88,643 people with a positivity rate of 4.4 percent.
Chennai reported 1,036 cases against 1,132 cases on Saturday while its neighbouring districts of Chengalpattu, Kancheepuram and Tiruvallur reported 174 cases, 130 and 195 cases respectively.
Together the region accounted for 39 percent of new cases.
In the Western region,the following districts continued to add a significant number of cases to the daily tally with Coimbatore recording 319 cases, Erode 111, Namakkal 117, Salem 188 and Tiruppur 166 cases. The region accounted for 23 percent of new cases.
According to the media bulletin issued by the Directorate of Public Health, 4,929 people were discharged after treatment.
The total number of people discharged now stands at 6,37,637, leaving 39,121 active cases, including people in isolation.
Meanwhile, only one among the deceased did not have comorbid conditions. A 55-year-old man from Nilgiris was admitted in the Coimbatore Medical College Hospital on October 14. He tested positive the next day.
The patient died on October 16 due to bilateral bronchopneumonia, and acute respiratory distress syndrome.