AVillage is a beautiful environment surrounded by a peaceful nature. Here are beautiful cottages surrounded by the trees, cows, hens, dogs, ETC. Villages are smaller then the towns. In the villages there are many works have been done by the day. Villages people are healthier then the town people. In the villages they don’t buy any fruits and vegetables, instead they grow a fruits and vegetables in the fields. In the villages we don’t get any costly materials if anyone won’t they should travel around 15 to 20 Kilometre’s to buy a costly materials. Every villages have a district that has known as town. Every villages are packed with the traditional culture form still today, even a small kids also follow the traditional culture of the villages. In the village everyone wakeup early in the morning before sunrises and clean the sheds of the cows. In the villages everyone gets pure milk from the cow. Cow milk, is not very complex and can be easily digested. In the villages everyone they do there work on time and prepare there breakfast before 7:00clock and they pack there lunch and go to the agricultural works. In the fields of the agriculture they do there work with loveable and enjoy the work. The works of the villages are like Land management Crop workers Animal husbandry Agriculture machinery Harvest and inspect by hands Shrubs , plants, and tress with wheelbarrows or tractors. Everyone they do there work and come before the afternoon and they work for daily wages in the agriculture. As per the day they work 2 types of work per day and for 2 wages from morning to afternoon one, and afternoon to evening 2.After reaching to the home again they do healthy dishes with wheat flours and eat early and go to the bed early. Advantage of the villages are No air pollution Peaceful environment Breathing pure air Active in the works Healthier Physically strongDisadvantage of village Drainage problems Jobs opportunities No high opportunities to technology companies jobs Limited access to healthcare No high shops are available, ETCIn the villages facing many problems of medical care, unqualified water and toilets, poor housing, ETC So everyone suggest to develop the villages with excellent drainage system , opportunities jobs, hospitals, ETC “villages are God made, towns are human beings made”.