BIJAPUR: Expressing anguish over the remarks of Water Resources Minister, Govind Karjol who has reportedly termed Upper Krishna Project as the ‘illegitimate child’ of the Congress, Former Water Resources Minister and MLA, M. B. Patil has responded sharply by describing the BJP government as ‘illegitimate child’ and Karjol as Minister of such a government.
Addressing media persons on Wednesday, he said that a veteran and dignified Minister such as Karjol should not have used such words and should not have stooped to that low while talking about UKP.
Reminding him that Almatti dam was launched during Congress government by Prime Minister, late, Lalbahadur Shastri, Patil said that majority of the major dams were constructed during the Congress era.
Recalling how on several occasions, Karjol has raised the issue of UKP and giving relief to farmers who are losing land, in assembly, Patil said when Karjol was in opposition, he was emotionally mentioning the issue of UKP.
“ Now that your government is in power and you are Water Resources Minister, why don’t you ensure that adequate funds are allocated for the project”, he said.
Stating that even Karjol and another Minister, Murgesh Nirani have advocated the need for giving compensation of Rs. 40 lakh per acre to the farmers losing land to the UKP project, Patil asked nearly Rs. 1 lakh crore in the coming budget for land acquisition, relief and rehabilitation.
Patil said that while the BJP had allocated Rs. 6450 crore for land acquisition and R&R, the Congress government had allocated Rs. 30,000 crore for the purpose.
Claiming that the BJP government has not ensured issuing of gazette notification for UKP-III for increasing the height of Almatti dam to 524 meters, despite the fact that BJP is ruling in State and the Centre, he challenged them to get it done.
Patil said that when he was Water Resources Minister, he did not wait for the gazette notification to be issued but started all head works related construction of canals for filling up of tanks.
“ Because of such a visionary and important decision taken, today we have completed a canal network of 1000 kilometers which has helped in filling the number of tanks in the district. This has led to recharging of thousands of borewells. The value of agricultural land has multiplied because of the water facility. Today, most of the farmers are earning higher profit from the lands, which is because of the decision taken by the Congress government”, he said.
Again reminding Karjol that it is their government and he has a greater chance to help the people of Bijapur and Bagalkot district, he asked him to just implement what he has said. “ Don’t listen to Congress, just do whatever you had promised for the people here”, he said.
Hoping that Karjol will do justice for the people here, Patil not only expressed his full support with him, but also warned him of not using absurd words against the Congress in future.