Turuvekere BJP MLA Masale Jayaram on Friday accused Deputy Chief Minister G Parameshwara of discriminating against his constituency by not ensuring the release of Hemavathy river waters. A video of him breaking down before the electronic media went viral on social media.
The MLA who had been on an indefinite dharna at the Hemavathy canal at Adavanahalli alleged that as he is BJP legislator, Parameshwara has been deliberately ignoring the constituency.
Besides, he also alleged that Parameshwara has also been favouring Water Resources Minister D K Shivakumar’s relative Dr Ranganath, the Congress MLA from Kunigal, as the water has been flowing to Kunigal. “Out of 10 taluks, nine are declared drought-hit, except for Turuvekere”, he said when contacted over the phone. Though Hemavathi Project chief engineer Ramakrishna visited him and promised that the water will be released in a couple of weeks, the MLA continued his dharna along with hundreds of his supporters overnight.