Bollywood stars Arbaaz Khan and Sohail Khan will be campaigning for The All Indian Mahila Empowerment Party (MEP) in the upcoming Karnataka Assembly Elections.
The actor brothers, who addressed the press conference along with MEP president, Dr Nowhera Shaik, praised the work of Dr. Shaik, and said that she has been fighting for the cause of justice for decades now. They said that they believe in the inclusive policies of the party, and that’s the reason they will be campaigning for it, across the state.
Dr. Shaik said that MEP is the first political party in the country focussing on women and their issues, as it believes that improving the conditions of women will ensure that the society as a whole will be improved.
She said that parties like Congress and BJP have only paid lip service to the cause of women and downtrodden communities, and it’s time for the people of Karnataka to elect MEP to power.
She also lambasted Narendra Modi, for his false promises, and said that her party will ensure justice for everyone.