Chamarajanagara RCHO said that the first dose alone does not give protection to the beneficiaries and the immunity against the virus builds up only after the second dose.

CHAMARAJANAGARA: Amidst tepid response to the ongoing COVID vaccination, four doctors who got inoculated with the first dose of vaccine have tested positive for COVID-19 in Chamarajanagara.
Notably, this include two doctors who took the indigenous Covaxin shots a week ago. Apart from the four doctors who were inoculated, three other doctors have also tested positive and all of them were working at the designated Covid hospital in the district .
Sources say that the doctors are having only mild symptoms and are not hospitalized.
It may be recalled that few health care workers were reported positive after taking the vaccines first dose.
However authorities have not revealed as to how these doctors contracted the pandemic at a time when the designated Covid hospital has just 22 active patients currently, a miniscule figure compared to few months ago and reported only 4 fresh cases on Friday .
When asked about this, Chamarajanagara RCHO Vishweshwaraih said that the first dose alone does not give protection to the beneficiaries and the immunity against the virus builds up only after the second dose of the vaccine.
Asked about how these doctors were detected for the virus, he said that they showed minor symptoms of Covid and were tested .