MUMBAI: Hitting out at Uddhav Thackeray, Maharashtra chief minister Eknath Shinde on Sunday evening said that they are not traitors and took the right decisions by going with the BJP because they fulfilled the dream of late Balasaheb Thackeray by constructing Ram temple and abolished article 370 in Kashmir.
After recent Uddhav Tahckeray’s public rally at Khed, Maharashtra chief minister Eknath Shinde addressed the public rally at the same place and venue on Sunday and criticized Uddhav Thackeray for tying up with Congress party that robbed the country. In this rally Uddhav Thackeray criticized Eknath Shinde calling him and his group as traitor who formed the government with BJP for money and pressure of central agencies.
Chief minister Eknath Shinde said that Uddhav Thackeray was also sitting in the lap of those who carried out bomb blasts in Mumbai only for power. He said Prime Minister Narendra Modi abolished Article 370 from Kashmir, and even paved the way for building Ram temple.
“These were the dreams of Balasaheb Thackeray and that was fulfilled by PM Narendra Modi. So, how is our stance wrong to go with BJP? We are not traitors and power hungry and selfish people. There is no dishonesty in my blood,” he added. Eknath Shinde read out his speech and criticized Uddhav Thackeray.
CM Eknath Shinde said that Uddhav Thackeray had earlier said that he would not become the Chief Minister, but he became the Chief Minister of Maharashtra only because Sharad Pawar insisted. While doing this Uddhav Thackeray compromised with his father’s ideology, criticised Shinde.
“The people of Konkan loved Balasaheb Thackeray and vehemently supported his thought and ideology. We are carrying forward the same legacy. We are working for people and do not need to answer all questions of the Opposition,” Shinde said.
CM Eknath Shinde said, “Everyone knows what Uddhav Thackeray did for power. Shiv Sena is dominated by Congress-NCP’s ideology. Shiv Sena lost its ideology for power and compromised the thoughts of late Balasaheb Thackeray. We are true soldiers of Balasaheb Thackeray therefore we broke the ties with Congress and BJP and formed the government with the saffron and Hindutva party. BJP is the natural ally of the Shiv Sena. People voted for Hindutva so it’s our duty to carry for this core ideology of Shiv Sena,” Shinde said.