Congress spokesperson Brijesh Kalappa has alleged that polling booths in Bengaluru’s RMV 2nd Stage had EVM machines only registering votes for the BJP.
Kalappa posted a series of tweets on complaints of faulty EVMs and said the party would take it up with the Election Commission.
There are 5 booths opposite my Parent's apartment at RMV II Stage, Bengaluru. In the 2nd booth, any button pressed registers a vote ONLY to kiwi mele Kamala i.e Kamal ke phool. Angry voters are returning without casting their vote.
— Brijesh Kalappa (@brijeshkalappa) May 12, 2018
So far we have received 3 complaints of malfunctioning EVM/VVPAT across the State including from Ramanagara, Chamarajpet and Hebbal. The INC is taking up these issues with the EC.
— Brijesh Kalappa (@brijeshkalappa) May 12, 2018
However, social media users claimed they did not face any issues at the same booths in Karnataka.