Nasheman News
Bengaluru, January 20 th 2023: P N RAO, the fashion brand from Bengaluru launched a coffee table book
on January 19 th and unveiled the bust of the founder late Shri P N Rao, coinciding with its centenary year
celebrations. The first seeds of thoughts about capturing the 100-year journey of P N RAO first
germinated in the minds of the partners – Machender Pishe, Chandramohan Pishe, Naveen Pishe and
Ketan Pishe about two years ago. The over 100-page book is divided into three chapters. The first
chapter talks about the Bhavsar Kshatriya community to whom the P N Rao community belongs, their
settlement in Bengaluru, the establishment of the tailoring business in the South Parade, Cantonment
area – the areas frequented by the Britishers.

Chapter 2 captures the hardships faced by founder late Shri P N Rao in the initial founding days of
dressing up the British ladies for the races. This part also highlights, the humble beginnings, setting up
shopping in erstwhile South Parade and the challenges to pivot the business to men’s wear in the late
40’s and early 50’s as the Britishers were leaving the country. This warranted the eldest son of late Shri P
N Rao, late Shri Panduranga Rao, learning the art of learning men’s pattern making thus branching off
into men’s clothing. This chapter also highlights the growth of P N Rao between 1920s and 1970s. This
period also witnessed the setting up of brand Rupasi on Brigade Road.
Chapter 3, brings to fore the views of customers, vendors, suppliers and others associated with P N Rao
about their experience with the brand and how they can forge stronger ties with the brand to make the
brand the most preferred brand among customers.
The coffee table book is penned by Aliyeh Rizvi and is filled with anecdotes and family stories that
helped build the brand P N Rao. To be priced at Rs. 2,000 a piece, the book, titled “A Saga of Needle and
Thread” with an initial print run of 500 copies will be available at P N Rao stores.
On this occasion, the partners also unveiled the bust of the founder late Shri P N Rao as a tribute to the
legend and his contribution to the apparel industry.