New Delhi is gearing up to host a grand swearing-in ceremony for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s third term, with a notable guest list including Maldives President Mohamed Muizzu. Despite strained relations since Muizzu assumed office last November, India has extended an invitation, signaling a diplomatic gesture towards improving ties.
Muizzu’s presidency saw a departure from traditional diplomatic protocols, with his initial visits to Turkey and China instead of India. However, India’s invitation marks his first official visit to the country since taking office.
The invitation comes amidst past tensions, as Muizzu had criticized India during his election campaign and called for the withdrawal of Indian military personnel from Maldives. Since then, all Indian armed forces have left the nation.
Acknowledging the invitation, Muizzu expressed gratitude to PM Modi and emphasized his commitment to strengthening ties with India. The upcoming ceremony will not only witness Muizzu’s attendance but also that of other South Asian leaders, reaffirming India’s ‘Neighbourhood First’ policy.