Bengaluru, May 29 : Karnataka Public Education Department has decided to postpone reopening of Schools for the Academic year 2019-2020 to June 14 due to severe drought condition prevailing in Hyderabad-Karnataka region.
The Schools should have started functioning from today but in the interests of School going children and to protect their health, it was decided to postpone the reopening to June 14 as recommended by various District authorities.
In other parts of the State the Schools started functioning from today.
The region is reeling under severe heat condition as mercury is hovering at more than 40 Degree Celsius. Yesterday, Kalaburagi registered 43.5 Degree Celsius, the State’s highest temperature.
The Department in its Notification issued here on Wednesday, however, stated that full time class may be held on Saturday instead of holding only morning class and during holidays also full time class may be held to cover the portions remaining.