Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) leader Mayawati on Tuesday slammed the Modi government for rising fuel prices and accused it of being on the same page as the earlier Congress-led UPA government.
In a statement, the Dalit leader said that the Modi government was also pursuing the “anti-people policies” that the United Progressive Alliance (UPA)-II pursued.
The Dalit leader alleged that while people were suffering due to the price rise, Bharatiya Janata Party leaders were diffident in answering questions on the economic front.
She termed the government’s oil policy irrational and impractical.
“The fuel prices have spun out of control and the Modi government does not want to upset its industrialist friends,” the four-time Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister said, adding that the Union government was doing virtually nothing to control rising prices of petrol and diesel.
She said the Congress and the BJP had both failed in tackling price rise and that the Modi government had no sympathy for the middle class and the poor.
If the central government desired, the fuel prices could be controlled, the BSP leader said.