The Land Transport Authority (LTA) will install red-amber-green arrows in as many of the 1,600 traffic junctions as possible in the coming years.
This means motorists will have to wait for the arrow to turn green before making a right turn. There have been suggestions in recent days for authorities to do away with the “discretionary” right turn, following two fatal accidents at traffic junctions.
“In five years, the vast majority of traffic junctions will have red-amber-green (RAG) arrows,” said Mr Chandrasekar, LTA’s group director of traffic and road operations on Thursday (Apr 26).
“Where it is not feasible to implement RAG arrows, LTA will look into other features, such as turning pockets, lighted road studs, integrated pedestrian countdown timers, dashed pedestrian crossing lines and ‘Give Way to Pedestrian’ signs, to ensure safety and smooth traffic flow,” he said.