THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Popular Kerala television serial and movie actor Ramesh Valiyasala was found hanging in his residence in Thiruvananthapuram on Saturday. He was 54.
The body has been shifted to the morgue of the medical college hospital. According to police, a probe has begun. He was living with his second wife and son in his residence at Valiyashala for the past few years.
The body was found hanging in his bedroom’s ceiling fan by his wife around 6.30 am.
Two days prior to the incident, Ramesh had returned from shooting from a location for his latest project. He had acted last telecasted in a serial called ‘Pournamithingal’ and has been active in the serial industry for the last 22 years.
Ramesh came to the television industry from a theatre background when he was doing his degree at Government Arts College. The popular serial director Dr. Jaanradhanan was his mentor.