Smartphone addiction sometimes colloquial known as “monopobia” ( fear of being without a mobile phone) is often fueled by an Internet. Cellphone are constantly being improved by expanding upon their functionalies which is turn increase the likelihood of overuse and addition . According to the PEW research center, 67% of smartphone users have admitted to checking their phone for calls or messages when their phone didn’t vibrate or ring. Using phones and tablets in the dark can speed up blindness… Researchers from the University of Toledo say long periods of time exposed to blue light, the kind phones, tablets and televisions give off, can damage vision and generate poisonous molecules in the eyes light -sensitive cells. It is bad to sleep near your phone. It can seriously mess up your sleep! Smart phones emit high school level of radiation which can cause disfunction or unbalance to your biological clock. In this way, sleeping next to your phone could actually lead to more nightmare because your cardiac rhythm could be thrown for a loop. You might just be addicted smartphone use physically affects your brain. Regions in the brain known as grey matter showed changes in size and shape for people with social media addiction.