Noida (UP): The Gautam Buddh Nagar police on Sunday apologized to Priyanka Gandhi Vadra and said it has ordered an inquiry into a policeman holding the Congress leader by her kurta during a ruckus at the DND flyover on Saturday.
Priyanka along with other Congress leaders including her brother Rahul Gandhi was on their way to Hathras on Saturday afternoon to meet the family of a woman who died after an alleged gangrape, when the incident occurred at the Delhi-UP border.
There were scuffles involving Congress workers and the Gautam Buddh Nagar (Noida) police during which she was manhandled.
In the melee, a helmet-wearing policeman had held the 48-year-old Congress general secretary by her kurta at the DND toll plaza while a crowd surrounded them.
“Noida Police profoundly regrets the incident with Priyanka Gandhi while handling an unruly crowd at the DND. We also apologize to Priyanka Gandhi” a statement from the District police stated.
“The Deputy Commissioner of Police (Headquarters) has taken suo moto cognizance of the incident and ordered an inquiry to be conducted by a senior lady officer. We, at Noida Police, are committed to ensuring the safety and dignity of women, the statement added.
The police added that punitive action would be ensured after the probe into the matter.
Pictures and videos of the incident also surfaced on social media, drawing criticism for the state government and the police.