Davanagere, Karnataka: A police station was vandalised in Channagiri town in the district and several vehicles were set on fire by a violent mob over an alleged custodial death, during the small hours of Saturday.
Adil (30) was detained on May 24 for his alleged involvement in gambling activities in the district, police said adding his health condition deteriorated and he died last night.
As the news of the man’s death spread, his relatives along with a large group of people went on a rampage, damaging police vehicles and hurling stones at the police station, alleging that he died in custody.
Davanagere Superintendent of Police Uma Prashanth said the body has been shifted to the government hospital and it will be handed over to the family members after postmortem.
According to the SP, police are patrolling the area and additional forces have been deployed in Channagiri. Action will be taken based on the postmortem report.
The autopsy will be conducted in the presence of a Magistrate, she said. The police claimed that the accused died within six to seven minutes after being brought to the station.
“His parents are also aware of it and they have been convinced,” Prashanth said.