prof Ramesh dutt ji encyclopedia in the field of Bollywood musical journey the book is well penned on the life & the musical journey of professor Ramesh dutt ji by the author Dr Iffat Faridi in her book gaata jaye banjara it is been beautifully written with simplicity,honesty & original style and the author has narrated dutt ji musical journey in a wonderful simple clear and easy to read with original style and easy to read it brings backs lost memories of Biogon era when dutt ji memories of his musical life journey penned beautifully by Dr Iffat Faridi which is simple and fascinating and easy to read in this era of social media and internet world.
Dutt ji Stands apart as encyclopedia of Musical and film world as well written and packed well written by Dr Iffat Faridi this book is must read for all musical lovers and copy should be in ones shelves as a precious memories of the golden era of Music of dutt ji Anokhi Sangeet Yatra the priceless of Musical Journey of Professor Ramesh dutt ji.
The book is available on amazon & Flipkart