Bengaluru: In a bid to create a more conducive learning environment for school children in Karnataka, the Education Department has issued a circular directing all schools in the state to observe the third Saturday of every month as ‘bag-free day’, to be known as ‘Sambhrama Shanivara’.
The initiative aims to alleviate the burden of heavy textbooks carried by students during their studies. The new system of a ‘bag-free day’ will be implemented in schools starting from the academic year 2023-24.
To support this initiative, the Education Department has developed an instruction manual for teachers and ten self-explanatory modules covering various subjects for students. These resources aim to actively engage students in co-curricular and extracurricular activities, fostering the development of their civic consciousness. Teachers will receive further guidance on implementing these activities during progress review meetings conducted at different levels within educational institutions. District and block-level officers, as well as Cluster Resource Persons (CRP), have also been instructed to visit schools on bag-free days to provide additional support and guidance to teachers.
The Education Department has made student activity books and teachers’ guidance manuals available on the website of the Department of State Educational Research and Training (DSERT). Teachers from primary and high schools will receive instructions on effectively utilizing these learning materials.
The department emphasizes the active participation of schools in this project to ensure its success in creating an enjoyable educational experience for children. It further highlights that schools must submit comprehensive monthly reports on the activities conducted, including the observation of ‘bag-free day’, to the Educational and Vocational Guidance branch of the DSERT at.