Chennai: Senior BJP leader and former Rajya Sabha Member, Subramanian Swamy, made a satirical comment on his own party’s performance in Tamil Nadu during an interaction with the media. Responding to a reporter’s query about BJP’s TN President Annamalai, Swamy questioned the existence of a BJP presence in Tamil Nadu and asked, “Is there a party called BJP in Tamil Nadu? Annamalai? Who is he?”
Swamy’s remark came in response to the reporter’s question about Annamalai being referred to as the ‘Singam’ (Lion) of Tamil Nadu and his potential for growth. Swamy’s sarcastic comment questioned the party’s strength and impact in the state.
The video of Swamy’s remark is now circulating widely on social media platforms, drawing attention and generating discussions about the state of the BJP’s presence in Tamil Nadu.
This is not the first time Swamy has criticized his own party. The veteran leader has expressed his disapproval of the saffron party under the leadership of PM Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah, on multiple occasions in the past.h