Karnataka chief minister (CM), H D Kumaraswamy, has fired a salvo against the BJP by accusing the saffron party of trying to bring his government down. He also said that B Y Vijayendra, son of state BJP chief, B S Yeddyurappa, had met chief of the income tax (IT) department and held secret discussions in this matter.
This statement has given rise to a major upheaval in the political circles in the state, and it also has paved way for a major verbal confrontation between the former and current CMs, Yeddyurappa and Kumaraswamy.
Speaking to media persons here on Wednesday September 5, the CM said that the BJP has been trying to rock the coalition government in the state with the assistance of central investigation agencies. “Already investigation officials have reached the city. Vijayendra has held consultations with director general of income tax, Balakrishnan,” he claimed. Saying that he is aware why Vijayendra met the IT head and that the BJP leaders have been trying misuse central agencies to unseat the state government, he reiterated that he was telling the truth.
“I have come to know that BJP has been planning to launch a major offensive against me through all the investigative agencies at the centre. One might wonder what evidence do I have to make this allegation, but it is not possible to provide documentary proof for everything. You should not forget that I never speak without concrete information,” he added.
When media persons wanted to know where the said meeting happened, Kumaraswamy said he cannot follow people with camera in hand and that he has received the above information which is not baseless. He asserted that Vijayendra had met the top income tax officer for engineering the downfall of his government.
In retaliation, Yeddyurappa dismissed the allegations and asked the CM, who is in a responsible position, to make statements responsibly. He wondered what relationship he has with income tax, enforcement directorate etc. He asked Kumaraswamy to desist from making irresponsible statements unnecessarily, create confusion in the minds of the people, and try to make someone a scapegoat by projecting him as a criminal.
B Y Vijayendra clarified that he has never met any income tax officials and he does not know that there is an official named Balakrishnan in that department. He dismissed the allegation of Kumaraswamy and challenged him as the chief of state intelligence, to order an inquiry and make public the findings. He felt that the CM should not undermine the honour of his own position by making baseless allegations.
The income tax department too clarified that Yeddyurappa’s son, Vijayendra, had not met any of the income tax officials. Office of Karnataka and Goa income tax commissioner clarified that the officials of the department have not met any politicians or members of their families, nor have any discussions been held.
Joint commissioner of the department, Tamil Selvam, dismissed the allegations in a press release and said that the department, since the last two years, has been conducting in-depth and impartial investigation into illegal accumulation of wealth and taking legal steps against the guilty.
(Vartha Bharati)