Nasheman News : Leading private life insurer Bharti AXA Life Insurance has embarked upon a public awareness drive to fight against spurious calling and mis-selling with a view to making customers alert and aware about fake insurance offers and unscrupulous returns by fraudsters.
Bharti AXA Life Insurance, a joint venture between Bharti Enterprises and French insurance major AXA, is one of the few life insurers to have lodged complaints with the police in many parts of the country after receiving information about fraudulent cases.
“Mis-selling and spurious calling have become a significant problem in the domestic insurance industry. As a responsible insurance company, we have a zero-tolerance policy towards mis-selling or any illegitimate inducements. Our sales teams help customers take an informed decision on the back of full product and services disclosures,” Vikas Seth, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Bharti AXA Life Insurance, said here on Monday.
The company is organising customer care camps and programmes across all its branches in the country on regular intervals for sensitising insurance buyers against misleading offers and gains.
“We are making policyholders and customers alert and aware through our public awareness programmes and also informing them about the modus operandi and modus vivendi of perpetrators involved and spurious callers, who lure people through misleading information and bogus offers. We are also registering complaints with the police wherever it is required and seeking their assistance to act against these offenders,” Seth added.
Bharti AXA Life has set up a pre-issuance video verification call system to help customers understand the terms and benefits of the insurance policy and empower them to take an informed decision.
“It is our endeavour to ensure that customers are provided with adequate information required to take a well-informed decision. We have taken several steps, including policy on-boarding stage, post-issuance call for welcoming policyholders and formation of grievance redressal cell, during the policy life cycle to reduce mis-selling,” said Ishita Mukherjee, Chief Operating Officer, Bharti AXA Life Insurance.
After welcoming policyholders during post-issuance stage, the company provides policy contracts via instant messaging platform WhatsApp that helps them immediately review insurance policy terms and conditions.
Apart from setting up a robust pre and post verification and due-diligence process, the company also trains its workforce and advisers to act in the interests of insurance buyers.
“We always urge the customers to be alert on their part too and not fall prey to any individual or firm claiming superfluous gains. As part of our check and balance strategy in the interest of the customers, we help them choose and get the right policy, encourage them to fill in forms with complete and accurate details, understand policy terms and benefits and ask them to pay through cheques or digital money,” Mukherjee added.