The West Bengal Congress leadership on Sunday accused the BJP and Trinamool Congress of politicising the National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Assam and misguiding people about the issue.
“The BJP is trying to make people understand that the NRC is for protecting the Hindus who came from foreign countries as they will be considered as refugees. Similarly, (TMC supremo) Mamata Banerjee is trying to misguide the people that the NRC is a danger for the Bengalis and she will be their saviour.
“Both are doing narrowminded politics to gain benefit in the coming Lok Sabha elections,” West Bengal Pradesh Congress Committee President Adhir Chowdhury said here.
The NRC is meant for the state of Assam and not for any other state, he said.
He also referred to an incident of 2005, when Trinamool Congress supremo Banerjee expressed dissatisfaction in the Lok Sabha, after she was not allowed to speak on illegal influx of Bangladeshis into West Bengal.
“Even she (Banerjee) is now a different person. She now wants to give shelter to the 40 lakh people, who are not on the NRC list, in West Bengal. Why such dual character?” Chowdhury questioned.
The Congress leader said his party would hold a rally in the city on October 4, highlighting issues “through which people were misguided for the sake of vote-bank politics”.