However, the Delhi Crime Branch said that Karwal had received the e-mail a day before the mathematics exam, for which the Delhi Police had also written to Google to share details of the ID from which the CBSE chairperson got the mail.
CBSE chief Anita Karwal said that she received an email about paper leak only after the exam had started. Her statement came after the FIR that was registered in the leak of the Class X mathematics and Class XII Economics papers, mentioned that CBSE chief had received an email hours before the exam. When asked why the paper was not cancelled before students took it, Karwal told The Indian Express that she was not aware of it a day before. By the time information came, exams had already started, she said. She refused to accept that she had prior knowledge of the leak before the students sat for the exam.
However, the Delhi Crime Branch had told yesterday that the CBSE chairperson was sent a mail on the Class 10 mathematics paper being leaked. They said that Karwal had received the e-mail a day before the mathematics exam, for which the Delhi Police had also written to Google to share details of the ID from which the CBSE chairperson got the mail. The e-mail reportedly contains images of 12 pages of handwritten question papers, which were posted on several WhatsApp groups, they said.
The Crime Branch had also said that the sender in the email had stated that the mathematics paper was leaked on the messaging app and that it should be cancelled. They further said that the papers (economics and mathematics) were shared on over 10 WhatsApp groups, comprising 50-60 members. Four numbers that the CBSE mentioned in their complaints were used to circulate the Class 12 economics paper. An official privy to the probe confirmed these numbers were of tutors.
A Special Investigation Team (SIT) comprising two deputy commissioners of police, four assistant commissioners of police and five inspectors has been set up to investigate the matter. The team is being supervised by the joint commissioner of police (crime).
Meanwhile, CBSE has announced re-examination dates for Class 12 economics paper and Class 10 mathematics exam. Economics paper will be conducted on April 25, while the re-test for Class 10 mathematics is likely to be conducted in July, Education Secretary Anil Swarup said. He further said that the preliminary enquiry has revealed that the leak for Class 10 mathematics paper is restricted to Delhi and Haryana. There has been no leak outside India, hence no re-examination will be held outside the country, he said.