With 50,357 fresh cases, India’s total cases has surged to 84.62 lakhs which include 5.16 active cases and 78.19 lakh cured cases.

India reported 50,357 new cases as the country’s coronavirus cases tally surged to 84,62,081. With 577 new deaths, the death toll crossed the 1.25 lakh-mark as it mounted to 1,25,562.
Total active cases are 5,16,632 after a decrease of 4,141 in last 24 hours. Total cured cases are 78,19,887 with 53,920 new discharges.
Rajasthan Health Minister Raghu Sharma on Friday said the coronavirus curve is flattening but exhorted people not to lower their guard as experts predict a second wave in winter months.
“Experts believe that a second wave may come prior to December 15 this year, so people have to be very cautious, wear masks, maintain social distancing and wash hands frequently to keep themselves safe,” Sharma said in a statement.
He said that according to the experts, there will also be an increase in the cases of seasonal diseases such as swine flu, dengue, cold and cough in the winter and if the pollution levels rise, coronavirus cases will certainly surge.