BENGALURU: It was a day for setting targets for Janata Dal Secular cadres, on the fourth day of the party’s Janata Parva 1.0 workshop at Bidadi near here on Thursday. JDS youth leaders — Lok Sabha Member of Parliament Prajwal Revanna and JDS youth wing president Nikhil Kumaraswamy — set 123 seats as the assembly election target in 2023.
The party also plans to widen its membership base by launching an app. JDS leader and former chief minister HD Kumaraswamy said the party would launch an app to recruit members. Those who wish to join the party can download the app and register. It will also ensure that no one needs to go out on a membership drive, Kumaraswamy said.
The JDS is planning to give 30-35 per cent of assembly tickets to women candidates, and will consider giving 25 per cent tickets to youth leaders, as proposed by Nikhil Kumaraswamy.
At a press briefing, Kumaraswamy said the party is gearing for the 2023 assembly polls.
“We will work hard in all 224 constituencies in Karnataka to reach the desired target of 123 Assembly seats,” the former chief minister said.
Five-fold plan
The party is planning a five-fold plan called ‘Pancharatna’, which will be implemented to benefit all, if the party comes to power. “Water resource projects are the lifeline of the state, and we discussed the issue at the party meeting. These projects should not be “money-making projects”, Kumaraswamy added.