- Today, Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modiji reviewed the covid-19 situation across the country.
- COVID cases are showing an increasing trend in the last 15 days.
- Hon’ble Prime Minister expressed his concern over the spike in cases and advised the states to adopt strictest possible measures so that the situation does not go out of control.
- Prime Minister’s observation
· India has set an example to the world in tackling the covid situation in the last one year.
· Prime Minister said that we have to be pro-active in test, track and treat strategy application.
· Vaccination does not ensure total safety against infections, therefore enough precaution should be taken by observing covid appropriate behaviour.
· PM has advised to make optimum utilisation of vaccine manufacturing facilities available in the states.
· To intensify vaccination drive and avoid wastage of vaccine.
· Administer vaccine to maximum capacity.
· Hon’ble Prime Minister assured that vaccine manufacturing is a continuous process and enough supplies are available. But advised the states to use the vaccine before the expiry date and avoid wastage.
- I Have assured the Hon’ble Prime Minister that all out efforts would be made in Karnataka to control the COVID spike and ensure normalcy.
- So far, Karnataka has reported around 9.61 lakh COVID-19 cases and more than 12 thousand deaths.
- The State has seen peak in August to October 2020, Cases started declining since November 2020, but the decline was faster from the month of December 2020.
- During the last about 10 days, the COVID cases are showing an increasing trend. The positivity rate has also increased to 1.65% as on March 15.
- We have conducted a review with the experts and officers on 15.3.2021.
- on the review, the following action has been initiated.
(i) Taking up a fresh IEC campaign informing the public to observe COVID appropriate behaviour.
(ii) Enforce wearing of mask and avoid crowding at public places.
(iii) To earmark more beds, ICUs etc., for COVID patients.
(iv) It is decided to set up 3 COVID Care Centers in Bengaluru in advance to take care of an immediate surge.
- We are also focusing on intensifying vaccination drive with about 3500 Centers across the State.
- We have planned to increase the vaccination to about 3 lakh persons per day.
- As per the Government of India’s policy, vaccination has to happen only at a health facility. We have requested for permission to take up vaccination drives in old age homes, apartment complexes,inaccessible areas etc.
- We are watching the situation closely and necessary actions will be taken depending on the existing situation as per Government of India guidance.