Mr Sushil Jindal, owner of Hubli Tigers, franchise in the Karnataka Premier League (KPL), along with captain R Vinay, Mayank Agarwal, Praveen Dubey, Abhishek Reddy and other players distributed rice, dhal, oil, sugar, walking canes, talking watches (for the blind) to orphaned children at Mary’s orphanage and blind students at the Acharya Rakum School for Blind, Indira Nagar (Krishna temple road).
Mr Jindal said it is a priority for his family to help the poor and needy.
“This is a good opportunity to help the underprivileged and physically challenged.We decided to bring the entire Hubli Tigers team to participate in this humble offering. My parents Mohanlal and Prabha Jindal will be very happy,” said Mr Sushil Jindal.