Thiruvananthapuram: The Kerala government on Saturday ordered a probe into a ragging complaint filed by a student of a state-run school in Wayanad district.
Sabarinathan, a 10th standard student, had complained that he was brutally assaulted and injured using a scissor allegedly by some school mates the other day.
He was later admitted to hospital for treatment.
General Education Minister V Sivankutty directed the Joint Director of Education (Academics) A Aboobakar to carry out a departmental inquiry into the alleged incident and submit a report.
The minister directed the Deputy Director of Education (Wayanad) to visit the school where the incident happened and also meet the victim student and his parents.
Sivankutty discussed the issue with the Wayanad police superintendent and spoke to the student’s mother and the president of the parents and teachers association (PTA) of the school over phone, the minister’s office said here.
Ragging would not be permitted on school campuses at any cost, the minister added.