Chief Minister (CM) H D Kumaraswamy who had indirectly launched an attack on Sanehalli Taralabalu Math pontiff Panditaradhya Shivacharya Swami, advising him to stop indulging in politics, says he is ready to apologize if his remark has hurt any seer.
The seer had allegedly shown displeasure regarding the coalition government and Kumaraswamy at his maiden press meet as chief minister on Wednesday, lashed out at the seer without taking seer’s name.
In retaliation, the seer wrote a letter to the CM rebuking him for his ‘loose talks’. Kumaraswamy was also criticized by the BJP for his comment against the seer.
Kumaraswamy has agreed to apologize to the seer if he has done anything wrong. However, he still stuck to his stand saying, “I only appealed to few seers not to indulge in politics. I respect all seers and if my comments have hurt anyone, I am ready to apologize. However, I will not take anyone lightly and expect no one to take my government lightly,” he said.
He also added that so far he has not received any letter from any pontiff.