Bengaluru: Home Minister Ramalinga Reddy clarified that there will not be any bandh on February 4. But he said that if anyone wants to protest it should be done in front of Freedom Park and nowhere else.
Several organisations had called for a Bengaluru Bandh on Febrarury 4 seeking a remedy for the Mahadayi dispute. The bandh date had clashed with the visit if Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Bengaluru. This had left BJP leaders confused as they wanted to make sure that no such events disturb the PM’s visit. Clarification by the Home Minister has provided a major relief to the BJP leaders.
Reddy said that it is the responsibility of the state government to ensure proper security to the Prime Minister of the Nation. It is our responsibility to honour him and every precautionary measure will be taken for his pleasant visit.
Kannada Chaluvali Vatal Party President Vatal Nagaraj has assured that he is ready to take back the Bandh decision if BJP assures in advance of submitting a request to the PM.