Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu on October 23 hit out at Narendra Modi’s government at the Centre, alleging that the government has been destroying institutions, referring to the ongoing saga at the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).
“Today we have seen (how) they are messing with CBI,” Naidu said on sidelines of a public event in Visakhapatnam on Tuesday. “Democracy is at stake, secularism in danger, economy collapsed, institutions are destroyed , Centre-state relations have deteriorated,” he alleged.
India’s premier investigation agency is currently grappling with the worst-ever credibility crisis due to an internal feud between two high-ranking officials — special director Rakesh Asthana and director Alok Verma, who are slamming each other over graft.
Naidu said that 44 of his Telugu Desam Party (TDP) members were raided for seeking special category status for the state.