Pramesh Jain
The Jayanagar police have registered an impersonation and cheating against a person who is claiming to be PA to Bengaluru south MP, Tejasvi Surya and cheating people by offering to sell Remdesivir injections .
Mr.Prakash in a complaint,said that the accused identified himself as Shivalingaiah and contacted Manjula,whose relative was admitted in the hospital for the Covid treatment.The accused offered to sell five vials of Remdesivir for Rs 10,000.
When the matter was brought to the notice of the MP office,Mr.Prakash called Shivalingaiah to confirm his claim before approaching the police.
The accused is not only impersonating to defame the MP but also cheating people,Mr.Prakash said in his complaint .
Based on a complaint filed by Bhanu Prakash, from MPs office,on Friday the police are now on the lookout for the accused .
We are trying to track him down through the mobile phone he was using and we will nab the impersonator soon who is cheating people said a senior officer.