New Delhi: Union Minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi on Thursday informed Rajya Sabha that no incident, as reported in the media, took place in Alwar, Rajasthan. His statement triggered a howl of protests by the opposition members in parliament.
“No such incident, as being reported, has taken place on the ground. The state government has already condemned media reports, “he said. “It’s an emotional issue for crores of people. There should be no indication that we are backing those who are violent, ” he added.
A group of cow vigilantes in Rajasthan’s Alwar recently lynched Pehlu Khan, a 55-year-old Muslim dairy farmer to death and brutally attacked his aides too on the road. Police have reportedly arrested 10 persons in connection with the incident.
“I am so sorry to know that the minister is so ill-informed. Foreign media are covering the incident”, reacted Congress MP Ghulam Nabi Azad.
Seeking a report from the government on Alwar attack case, Rajya Sabha deputy chairman PJ Kurien said that there won’t be any discussion on this issue unless the Chair is convinced of what actually took place.