A petition started by Bangalore-based Mission Possible for Justice & Rights is calling for ‘vilification campaign against Dr. Zakir Naik’ to stop.
The petition has already gathered more than 32,194 supporters and has been doing rounds on the social media for the past two days.
The petition says:
Dr. Zakir Naik has never said anything, which goes against the Constitution of India, in any of his speeches. Practising and propagating one’s religion in a peaceful manner is a right every citizen of this country enjoys.
Newspapers’ and channels’ role is to report facts, based on thorough investigation and not to publish over-blown, stigmatising and scaremongering reports, as is clearly evident in these and many other reports.
Media houses are creating a negative public opinion against Dr. Zakir Naik to push through their nefarious agenda.
The vilification campaign headed by Indian media against Dr. Zakir Naik must stop.