Petrol and diesel prices continued to rise, hitting multi-year highs, amid an upward trend in global crude prices on Friday. Currently, Petrol at Rs 74.08/litre in Delhi and Rs 81.93/litre in Mumbai and Diesel at Rs 65.31/litre in Delhi and Rs 69.54/litre in Mumbai. Petrol prices were raised marginally by 1 paisa on Friday, while diesel prices went up by 4 paise.
Petrol, Diesel prices rise to all-time high
Former Finance Minister P. Chidambaram asked why the rise in fuel prices even though crude oil price is still lower.
Chidambaram tweeted, “Crude oil price at US $ 74 per barrel is still lower than US $ 105 four years ago. So, why are Petrol/Diesel prices higher today than they were in May 2014?” He further alleged that for the last four years, “The BJP government has lived off an oil bonanza. Minus the oil bonanza, the BJP government is clueless and floundering.”