A Pandora’s box was opened when Navjot Singh Sidhu’s questioned Amarinder Singh’s seniority and the controversy over visiting Pakistan during the Kartarpur Corridor inauguration continued to rock the state political circles. When questioned about captain Amrinder in Hyderabad when reporters had asked him about going to Pakistan, to attend the groundbreaking ceremony for the Kartarpur corridor, despite the Punjab chief minister’s disapproval, Sidhu said, “Which captain are you talking about? Oh! Captain Amarinder Singh. He is an Army Captain, my captain is Rahul Gandhi. His captain is also Rahul Gandhi,” Sidhu had said.” The jibe did not go down well with other Punjab ministers. Senior Punjab ministers condemned Sidhu over his jibe at the Punjab chief minister demanding that he apologises to the chief minister and “learns how to respect elders”.
On Saturday, three ministers — Rural Development and Panchayat minister Tript Rajinder Singh Bajwa, Revenue and Rehabilitation minister Sukhbinder Singh Sarkaria and Sports Minister Rana Gurmeet Singh Sodhi — had called for Sidhu’s resignation from the state cabinet. Whereas on Sunday, state’s Women and Child Development and Transport Minister Aruna Chaudhary said that Sidhu’s remark was “unfortunate” and “uncalled for”. “Most Amarinder loyalists are keen on raising the issue in the cabinet meeting,” said another minister.
Sidhu’s second trip to Pakistan in three months had raised a row and specially when he backtracked on his claim that Congress president Rahul Gandhi was involved in his decision to attend the ceremony. “Get your facts right before you distort them, Rahul Gandhi Ji never asked me to go to Pakistan. The whole world knows I went to Pakistan on Prime Minister Imran Khan’s personal invite,” Sidhu tweeted on Saturday. Meanwhile, Sidhu’s wife and former BJP MLA Navjot Kaur Sidhu’s video was going viral where she is heard saying that they are they are sepoys of Rahul Gandhi and that only Rahul Gandhi is their captain and no one else. When confronted Navjot Kaur said that “his heart is clean” and his remarks were being “twisted” and “taken out of context”. “Since Navjot and I joined the Congress, we always showed full respect towards Capt Sahib (Amarinder),” she said.Sidhu also tried to do the damage-control when he said that he considers ‘Captain Sahib’ as his father. Now posters displayed on Punjab walls tell a different story and togher days may be awaiting loud-mouthed Sidhu.