There has been a huge uproar following the spectacle involving the Union Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman and Kodagu District In-charge Minister Sa Ra Mahesh. Soon after visuals of the public spat between the two politicians went viral on social media, a Twitter row began, involving several ministers and the general public. The latest to enter the Twitter row ring is former chief minister of Karnataka, Siddaramaiah.
Siddaramaiah weighed in on the argument regarding the union minister’s behaviour in a tweet wherein he accused Sitharaman of being more interested in dominating their minister than assessing the damages of the flood-hit Kodagu district.
The tweet posted by Siddaramaiah on August 24 read: “I condemn the stepmotherly treatment by @PMOIndia in releasing relief funds. We expected PM @narendramodi to assess the loss instead it was delegated to @DefenceMinIndia, who was more interested in dominating our state minister. This reflects @BJP4India ‘s apathy towards Ktaka.”
During a press conference held at the District Commissioner’s office on August 24 in Madikeri, Sitharaman and Mahesh got into an argument in plain view of media personnel and officials regarding the union minister’s itinerary. Mahesh is reported to have asked Sitharaman to cut the press conference short as officials were waiting for her to hold a review meeting following which they had to leave for rehabilitation work, to which the union minister responded harshly and told him that she was only following his schedule.