Swachh Device, a first of its kind workshop exclusively designed for the Journalist, News Editors and working professionals in the media industry was held on 7 March 2020 at the Chancery Pavilion.
Cyber-surveil lance is a bigger threat than
ever. New forms of censorship are emerging, implemented by troll armies paid by authoritarian regimes.
They include double switch, in which a journalist’s online account is taken over in order to disseminate
fake news, smear the journalist, and censor
independently reported news and
information. Journalists should protect themselves and their sources by keeping up-to-date on the latest
digital security news and threats such as hacking, phishing, and
surveillance. Journalists should
think about the information they are responsible for and what could happen if it falls into the wrong
hands, and take measures to defend their accounts, devices,
communications, and online
Swachh Device conference will offer a valuable platform to transfer knowledge from experts and educate the attendees on the techniques, skills and principles necessary to secure their devices.
Era3Q— the organizing team acknowledged their sincere thanks and appreciation to Shri Sanjay Sahay, IPS – Additional Director General of Police, Police Computer Wing, Govt. of Karnataka and Dr. Ananth Prabhu G for their valuable contribution and support for the conference.