BENGALURU: Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa on Wednesday chaired the first meeting with the newly-formed task force on the possible third wave of Covid-19 in Karnataka. The task force, headed by renowned cardiologist and health entrepreneur Dr Devi Shetty, will help the government prepare for the third wave in Karnataka that is estimated to hit in October-November this year.
The task force is in addition to the already existing Covid-19 Technical Advisory Committee, headed by Dr M K Sudarshan. The 13-member task force to assist the government on the third-wave preparations is expected to provide routine inputs and recommendations. Considering that experts believe children will be more affected in the third wave, paediatricians have also been made part of the task force. The government has already announced setting up of paediatric Covid-19 wards as part of preparatory measures to tackle the possible third wave.