CHANDIGARH: Residents of Badkali village in Haryana’s Nuh district bordering the national capital on Saturday clashed with police and set a government vehicle on fire after a 22-year-old youth died at his house, allegedly after being tortured by the police. The deceased, Junaid was a painter and his family alleged that the youth was illegally picked up and detained by Faridabad Police without registering any case against him.
Subsequently, a team of police personnel from Nuh came to the spot and asked villagers to clear the highway. However, tension mounted after the two sides engaged in an argument, which led to clashes.
The local residents pelted stones, beat up police personnel and damaged vehicles and also set an official vehicle ablaze, said the police.
Meanwhile, the family of Junaid claimed that he was going for a wedding in Rajasthan along with five others in a car and was picked up instead of another youth who was involved in a fraud case. Meanwhile, Faridabad Police stated that the allegations of illegal detention and torture raised by Junaid’s family are “baseless” and “far from facts”.
“We deny all the allegations raised by the family of the deceased. Junaid died due to kidney problem. A case of fraud was registered as one Sonu was cheated of Rs 80,000 and two brothers of Junaid and his cousin were involved in the crime and were arrested,’’ said spokesman of the police.